The article is a month old (hey, I read a lot and sometimes forget to queue up articles to post) but now that it is not just the writers but the actors striking, my guess is that this $3 billion figure is going to grow. People outside LA -- and even in LA -- forget how connected everything is to entertainment. So even if you aren't working in entertainment, so many industries touch entertainment. Some are obvious, like the lighting, sound, set designers, catering. Some aren't like dry cleaning, childcare. But when things go dark, those other industries aren't needed and aren't paid which trickles down to less people eating out or going to movies or shopping and just overall screws up the area's economy. I didn't think about it much, but watching the last strike in 2008 and seeing the area not fully recover for a bit makes me wonder how much worse this is going to be for LA and beyond (with entertainment more tied to technology before because of AI and streaming, there's gonna be a hit there too). This becomes messaging for both sides, but usually it's worse for corporations as they get blamed for how long the strike goes on.

via Buffer
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