A lot of blogs out there are discussing the Tsunami that has reaked havoc - too many fanboy books as a kid - on Southeast Asia.
And, the PR blogosphere has gotten into the act as well. InfOpinions has two different posts about different PR people looking at the Tsunami from a crisis standpoint. O'Dwyers - okay, not a blog - has a story on Hill & Knowlton's Washington, D.C., office coordinating the PR for the Center for International Disaster Information.
On a more personal note, fellow Arizona-Global PR blog week participant-PR person-IABC member-blogger, Angelo Fernando, has turned his blog over to the Sri Lanka disaster relief effort.
Angelo is a native of Sri Lanka, and his parents and in-laws all live in Sri Lanka. Instead of blogging on the puff that usually is in the blogosphere, Angelo has turned his blog into a centerpiece on the happenings in Sri Lanka and how you can help. Check it out, and go help!!
The best thing to do is send money. Amazon has changed its homepage to showcase it's one-button donation to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief.
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