More PR Bloggers

Media Guerrilla, who is written by Mike Manuel at Voce Communications. My odd connection to Voce is that I know most of the principals from when I worked at Miller/Shandwick Technologies in Mountain View. All a great bunch of guys, all really great PR people. Small world, especially in public relations. If you use them, tell Kevin I said hello.

Okay, just was reading the PR Blog aggregator sites, and found that another Voce person - one of the founders - is also blogging. I have many found memories of Podboy and his wife while working at M/ST, as they are both great people. I still think his wife thinks I'm totally goofy. Read Matthew's blog, as he has some great points as well. His blog is Active Voice.

The other blog is from Pierce Mattie, and its Beauty, Health, Medical and Fitness PR Blog. It's one of the first PR blogs that I have read that is not about technology or technology related. PMPR is about publicity, specifically beauty, health and fitness.

Already, I have read in some PR blogs that other PR firms are going to jump on the blogging bandwagon because it's the next hot thing. While this might be true, what is wrong with some different PR perspectives in the blogosphere?

When I was in LA, there was a beauty client in the office, and I got to learn alot from the account, ranging from guerilla tactics that could be applied to consumer technology, working with the mainstream press, working with television personalities. It goes back to old skool PR - at the end of the day, it's about building and maintaining relationships.

Oh, the small worldness of this posting is that the Pierce Mattie blog was put together by a consultant working with the firm, as well as with Lizzie Grubman PR. Yay!! It's more Lizzie!!
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