But, I digress as I wanted to set up the picture: blogging relations is not about setting up a blog like others too often suggest, but it is about working and communicating with bloggers. Let me say that again. It's about working and communicating with bloggers. And, that's what the Nokia Nseries blog about the N90, a real blogger relations program, is all about: working with bloggers.
This post is about how Nokia got it right. No, I'm not jealous or envious, but oh, how I wish I had come up with the program,. It's a true blogger relations program, and about getting the community involved. In a way, this is a "smart-reviewers" program that was taken to the next level: bloggers.
Now, full disclosure, I have one of the phones in my little hands, and am looking at it from my digicam background and online photography, and one thing: the phone rocks.
All the photos in this post have been taken with the Nokia N90 (except the one of the phone itself). Another disclosure: I have interviewed Andy Abramson in the past. It's his 12 year-old Del Mar, CA firm, Comunicano, which is running the outreach program for Nokia, and the Nokia N90 blog. PR Week covered that but I wanted to look at it from a PR blogger standpoint on why other PR people should be looking at this as a way to move forward with bloggers - but first they need to know the bloggers.
So, here's what you get when you open the box. You get the phone

According to Andy, the phone and kit were sent to about 50 bloggers - ranging from mainstream influential bloggers to vertical bloggers to niche bloggers - with no demand that anything be posted. I do not know about other bloggers, but I was first contacted to see if I would like to receive the phone, and said yes to play with the digital camera part. In the letter, it is noted that the bloggers will need to return the phone to Nokia, when they ask for it, which is standard for any review program. Comunicano even included a FedEx slip already filled out to make it easy - I used to do that with Kodak, but inevitable the slip would get "lost" by reviewers. But, this is not a traditional review program per se - it's more of a blogger outreach program.

Now, Andy has an interesting background that lends itself to being different, to pushing the envelope. That was one of the things that came up during the interview with Andy – he wants to push PR and communications, establishing new ways to work with media and communities – both online and in the real world. Andy's been doing PR since he was 14 – I was working for my English teacher at 14 – and doing things like being the guy who hung with the pro players then educated the sports reporters on things they didn’t know for the Philadelphia Wings in 1974, establishing the first amateur sports outreach program run by a professional sports franchise for the Philadelphia Flyers from 1976-88, and then at Upper Deck from 1991-1992 where he redefined how to work with the hobby and trade press. Today he still creates and executes his campaigns that push to redefine the role of PR, and how PR operates with the public and the media.
To me, the blogger outreach makes total sense. This is the perfect phone for someone that wants to start video podcasting as you can shoot small snippets - like me here messing around and mistakingly taping myself ...
Here's a very small snippet with no sound. I didn't realize I was recording ... but it's just to show how you can podcast.
Now, BL Ochman does not think it was such a great campaign. But I think she is taking a narrow view of the N90 blog, and the program as a whole. First, I think she thinks Andy is a newbie - Andy is far from a blogging newbie, or a PR newbie. He is regulalry approached often for blogging on various VoIP subjects or by the media to make sense out of what the companies in the industry are saying - he blogs on VoIP, not on PR.
Andy and I have spoken in the past about bad PR/Blogging relations, and he has a great post

And, Stowe Boyd - another blogger that got the phone - has noted that if he thought the phone blew chunks, he would have said so. I have met Stowe. I have spoken with Stowe. And, I believe Stowe would have ripped the phone to shreds if he did not like it. Andy has even told bloggers, write what you want, pro or con and that their comments will go up on the official Web site. The bloggers in the review program will also get access to the site, to actually post. That's pretty daring, and something that makes the program really different ... and potentially dangerous.
And, that's the thing - PR firms are taking a risk when they send products to bloggers, but is it any different than the risk we take when we send products to newspaper reviewers? Not really, and if a PR blogger says it is, he/she are delusional. Yes, blogs are more viral and reach different audiences, but sending products to bloggers is a crap-shoot, just like it is with newspaper or mainstream media reviewers. It's slightly different, but not all together dissimilar.

My issues with the phone? The instruction book is terrible - and I read it all the way through, and could have saved time by just reading the quick start manual. I have yet to figure out if I can post from Lifeblog to Blogger, but I do not believe so, so the images you see here were transferred from the card to my computer but I did learn how to transfer to Flickr - thanks atmasphere! Otherwise, the phone and camera rock.
Technorati Tags:
public relations
blogger relations
Great post Jeremy! We need more analysis of blogger relations’ campaigns rather than the just another blog launch announcement. I'd like to get more info on the success of the program.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that even if a blogger does not like a product, they will probably blog about the product. While a traditional media journalist might just drop the product out the story.
Good post - FYI, The Wings weren't around in 1974.
ReplyDeleteThere weren't any wings in 1974? Oh!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a Nokia 3230 and I'm going to ask my friend!
I like Nokia Nseries. Good article.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting post. I'm looking for case studies to use and write about too.
ReplyDeleteHow did you come across this one, besides the obvious, the package that was sent to you.
Let's face it, as the power and imoportance of blogging continues to rise, we will be seeing more and more of this kind of thing. It's good to see what has been done right, because there are just so many ways it can be done wrong!
ReplyDeleteTransparency is key as well as it being authenthic. And that means that PR peps have to be real with Bloggers and Bloggers then have to remain real to their readers.
Thanks for commenting, Claudia, but your comment seems like a SPAM attempt at getting notice for Bloggio - a company itself that has not been very transparent.
ReplyDeleteGood post - FYI, The Wings weren't around in 1974.